Fantasy/Science Fiction

I enjoy reading fantasy most of the time, however, these genres are the easiest to mess up and make it look stupid. For example, in Harry Potter, how is poverty still a problem in the wizarding world? why does Hermione get a time travel device to take extra classes? For such a powerful device why is it so underutilized? The big problem that many fantasy books face is balancing their magic system, and Rowling just doesn't address it, in fact, she relies on it to further the plot in many cases. This is why in the LotR vs HP debate there is one clear winner: LotR. 

There is one aspect that fantasy novels usually absolutely nail, and that is the setting. My favorite setting from a novel has to be Lothlorien, from The Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. The home of the Western Elves. The homes and stairways built into trees have always amazed me and I thought that the movie underrepresented it by making it really dark, but in some ways it highlights it. If I could go on vacation to any book it would be here. 


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